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Genderless Parenting: Nurturing Children's Well-Being and Potential Based on Personal Experience

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Genderless parenting, also known as gender-neutral or gender-inclusive parenting, is an approach that seeks to remove societal gender expectations and stereotypes. I have to admit that the first time I heard that term when I was still a student I didn’t fully grasp the whole concept. That’s why I never looked into it further until recently. That’s when I found out I was practicing genderless parenting all along. It just came to me naturally. Before I became a mom it always bugged me that girls are always associated with everything that’s pink. I used to say that if I had a daughter she would never wear that color. I could never understand why people are so concerned about whether something is meant for a girl or a boy. What difference does it make? When Laurent was born I knew I would like to give him the opportunity to explore the world on his terms. It hasn’t always been easy since a big part of our environment still tends to fall into old-fashioned stereotypes but I knew that the struggle will pay off in a long-term run. I want to share my experience so far to demystify genderless parenting and show you what it’s actually about. Below you can find some of the major benefits of gender-neutral parenting backed with some real-life scenarios:

Encouraging Self-Discovery and Authenticity:

Genderless parenting allows children to explore and discover their authentic selves without the limitations of gender stereotypes. In other words, it simply means listening to your child and embracing their interests without judgment. One day Laurie expressed his interest in joining a ballet class which, let’s face it, is predominantly considered a feminine activity. Rather than finding him some more society-approved “masculine” hobby, I signed him up for a trial lesson. He changed his mind at the very last minute but I was still very content that I gave him the space to explore various options. Such freedom of self-discovery promotes a strong sense of self and self-acceptance, leading to increased confidence and resilience in the face of societal pressures.

Eliminating Gender Stereotypes and Bias: Children that participate in activities unrestricted by gender bias are more likely to develop a broader set of skills and interests, which promotes creativity, critical thinking, and well-rounded development. By consciously avoiding gender-specific labels, toys, and activities, genderless parenting encourages children to engage in diverse activities. Laurent has always loved all sorts of vehicles but also enjoyed taking care of his doll or cooking in his toy kitchen. He loves to play dress-up whether it’s a Spiderman suit or my heels and hats.

Supporting Personal and Professional Growth: Children raised without rigid gender roles are more likely to explore diverse career paths, engage in leadership roles, and challenge societal barriers. We all want our children to strive and develop their full potential. I try to encourage Laurie to pursue his passions and interests without the limitations of gender expectations. He’s not even four years old so I can only take part in the development stage but I look forward to seeing what benefits it will bring long-term.

Fostering Emotional Intelligence: Most of us had been thought to hide our “negative” emotions so we never got to learn how to handle them. Genderless parenting prioritizes emotional intelligence by teaching children to understand, express, and regulate their emotions. By dismantling gender-based expectations regarding feelings (ex. “Boys don’t cry”, “Girls shouldn’t get angry”), parents create a safe space for children to develop a full range of emotional skills. This foundation allows children to build strong relationships, communicate effectively, and navigate complex social situations with empathy and understanding.

Enhancing Relationship Building: We all know how much work it takes to build a strong healthy relationship based on mutual respect. Whether it’s with peers, siblings, or partners, relationships are a crucial part of our life. Modern society is having great difficulty maintaining mutual connections. Genderless parenting promotes healthy relationships by encouraging children to interact with others based on their individual qualities. Breaking free from traditional gender roles, children are more likely to form authentic and meaningful connections with others.

I believe that by raising our children we shape the future of our society. It’s a huge responsibility so in order to create a better world we need to consider what messages we’re passing on to our offspring. By providing a nurturing environment that prioritizes authenticity, emotional intelligence, equality, and respect, we can empower our children to thrive, forge unique identities, form meaningful connections, and become agents of positive change in a world that values diversity and inclusivity.


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